Project Lately

A few months back I did a wardrobe project for my sister. Her bedroom is just 10' x 11' so that makes a very minimal space for furniture. It was during her trip to South Korea that I took over her room to do the work. It was also because of the trip that she was left with only minimal budget for the wardrobe. So I work around with something that she already has and surprise her with some new things that are of her style and doesn't break her bank. There are still a lot more space left out vertically behind the curtain partition that I made. But since it is a brick wall, I'm gonna need extra energy/help to drill into it to secure shelving on the wall. I might visit this project again in the future. That empty space on her wall up to the ceiling need be put into use. 

Mulig Clothes rack, IKEA - MYR 16.90
Antonius frame, IKEA - MYR 35.00
Antonius wire basket, IKEA - MYR 15.00
Cotton Fabric 40" wide, NAGOYA - MYR 1.50/metre
Floor rug, TESCO - MYR 12.90

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