Tall, Grande Mirror

Do you agree that a grand piece of statement in a room will actually make the room look even grander? After knowing it firsthand upon completing a bedroom project, I, for one very much agree with it. And I think this does apply to every size of room and space. Right now I'm looking for a perfect oversized mirror to lean against my bedroom wall. Not only for the obvious functionality, but also for the fact that it will reflect another space and the blown up size that takes up half the wall will take away the feeling of being trapped in a four-wall square.

Do Mess With My Head

Imagine getting lost in these layered mess. Especially in this cold and wet November weather. Just the perfect excuse to just staying in cuddling in between the sheets. Even if that means it's just you and your 20- year-old bolster.

Project Thrifty

This old coffee table has been pushed here and there around the house for quite sometime now since my mother bought a new teak credenza to replace it. Last it was stranded in my sister's room as a desk where she put her iMac. Now that she went to live in Penang, the poor coffee table serves no use again. I took it out and thought I'd do something with it. For now I just repaint it. And let it sit in my room. Maybe one of these days I will find a purpose for it.